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Physical Activity

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How active do you want to be today?


Target: 60 minutes or more of Moderate to Vigorous physical activity every day.

The links below correspond with the Borg Rate of Physical Exertion Scale

For students in grades 3-5, we talk about these zones when we use the heart rate monitors. An important thing to understand, is that some of these activities may be more or less challenging for different students. We are all different - different talents, different strengths, different motivations, different  ways of doings things, and different areas to grow!

The talk test is a simple way to measure relative intensity. In general,

if you’re doing moderate-intensity activity, you can talk but not sing during the activity.

if you’re doing vigorous-intensity activity, you will not be able to say more than a few words without pausing for a breath.

Source: CDC, Center for Disease Control

Warm Up

Very Hard

90-100% of HR Max


Benefits: Help athletes develop speed

The highest level of activity. Feels impossible to keep going. Uncomfortable. Out of breath. Cannot talk or utter a word.

Activities: Sprinting, racing, HIIT, Tabata, Cross Fit 


80-90% of HR Max


Benefits: Increases maximum performance capacity for shorter sessions

A high level of activity you can sustain. Hard to maintain. Starting to become uncomfortable. Short of breath, but can speak words or short sentences .

Activities: Jumping rope, jogging, running, hiking, swimming, bicycling, heavy gardening


70-80% of HR Max


Benefits: Improves aerobic fitness

The mid-level of activity you can sustain. Feels like you could keep this going all day. Heavy breathing, but you can hold short conversations.

Activities: dynamic stretching, slowly bicycling, walking quickly, general gardening


60-70% of HR Max


Benefits: Improves basic endurance and fat burning

A low level of activity that you can sustain for hours. You are comfortable. Plenty of breath. You can hold a conversation with someone.

Activities: walking, dynamic stretching, vacuuming, sweeping, light gardening 

Cool Down

Very Light

50-60% of HR Max

Benefits: Helps with recovery

The lowest level of activity. Feels impossible to keep going. Comfortable. An abundance of breath. You can carry on a conversation with no trouble.

Activities: Static stretching 

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